CPU Rumors Intel Tiger Lake could surprise very positively

Intel is set to debut its new Tiger Lake processors
Intel Tiger Lake CPU

Many new ones, even if unofficial Benchmarks of the Intel's next CPU generation tiger brine show a very positive picture. Therefore, the Quad Core model with Xe graphics makes a big jump forwards and retreats clearly from Ice brine, also it must fear no competitors in the market.

CPU Rumors Intel Tiger Lake 

Intel had always stressed that tiger becomes a brine a big sentence. Slowly appears in outlines that this could apply. If not only the achievement values of the CPU part which remains with maximum four cores are very high. Above all the new graphics Intel Xe allow to prick up the ears after the very restrained first values. They see new test values above all AMD Renoir's solutions nearby übertakteter Nvidia GeForce MX 350 which is used in slender notebooks extensive. This would be a landmark for Intel.

An unclear factor remains the TDP and her borders. It is supposed that tiger gets brine once more a lot of elbowrooms upwards, while AMD is, nevertheless, clearly restrictive what concerns the topic. Here during the coming weeks Intel wants to provide for clarification and introduce the models officially.

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