Nvidia Gaming Ampere Alleged cooler of the GeForce RTX 3080 photographed

The Ampere-based RTX 3080 looks very different from the designs
Ampere-based RTX 3080
On the Internet has appeared a photo which should show the supposed cooler of the future GeForce RTX in 3080 on the basis of Nvidias Ampere-GPU for Consumer. The photo deviates not only optically completely from the present coolers, also the draught differently precipitates. As conspicuously: The shown cooler is very big.

First the question positions itself whether this photo is generally real. This can be verified at this point hard, however, is not impossible. On the cooler of the gaming models of the ampere generation it is already worked with high likelyhood, because the graphics maps should still appear this year. There the one or other factory worker can take already once unnoticed a photo. Besides, it had got before the image also a photo of the PCBs of a Turing map what has turned out real, the same is valid for the Founders edition cooler from the Pascal row.

The supposed ampere cooler is different

However, what does one see in the picture generally? A Dual-Slot-Grafikkarten-Kühler which carries the stroke „RTX 3080“ is to be seen obviously. Besides, two axial fans – on different sides – are to be seen and an arrangement of chill lamellae which differs very much from him what there has been at last on Nvidias authoritative maps. In addition, is to be recognised at first sight that the cooler is very big and clearly massive FE works as the topical cooler of the GeForce RTX in 2080. It is interesting also that the cooler is clearly greater than the real PCB. This uses the additional place not only for more lamellae, but also for the second fan which is right at the back.

NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ampere Graphics Card
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ampere 

There is an axial fan on the front which is placed very near in the slot screen and an other fan at the back which is to be found at the other end of the graphics map. The chill lamellae there in four different areas with an ever different arrangement are right, can be supposed that the front fan about him conned on part of the graphics map and about the middle again hinauspusten has to go. The back-sided right fan would puff meanwhile the air only about the right part of the cooler and carry this at the end of the graphics map again out. A Reddit user has provided with the help of the photos own Renderbilder of the graphics map with whose help the changed chill draught is clearly easy to be understood.

The stream connections are differently placed

Apart from a little new information infuses itself from the photo. Therefore, the colour of the ampere-graphics maps will remain with black and silver. The position of the stream connections is interesting, because this has apparently changed. At least the sighted cooler does not admit any more the classical position. The stream connections have walked with it presumably completely to the end of the map what would increase, however, the required place in the case massively. Though this was also (great with the GeForce RTX in 2060 and the GeForce RTX 2070 Founders edition the case the models are clearly shorter, however, than the sighted graphics map.

If Nvidia holds it with the cooler just like with the Turing generation, at least three models will use the cooler: the GeForce RTX in 3080, the GeForce RTX in 3090, as the new „RTX 3080 Ti “ should be called supposedly, and the titanium. In addition, several other rumours about the gaming-graphics maps of the ampere generation are meanwhile in the circulation, the computer base at this point, however, not further will comment, because their truth salary are dubious.

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