The Spectrum RG Observatory is close to completing the first full review of the celestial sphere

A map of three quarters of the sky at galactic coordinates (press to enlarge) / IKI RAS
The Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IKI RAS) presented the progress of the Russian-German project «Spectrum-RG», aimed at exploring the universe in the X-ray wavelength range.

«Lavochkin NGO»

The observatory, we recall, went into space last summer. It carries the X-ray telescopes ART-XC and eRosita, which were created in Russia and Germany respectively.

«Spectrum-WP» now performs the main scientific program, which is designed for four years: it provides eight complete reviews of the celestial sphere. The first of these reviews is now three-quarters complete.

For almost five months the ART-XC telescope of the observatory "Spectrum-WP" has been observing in hard X-rays, examining every day a new large ring of one degree wide in the sky. On May 4, 2020 the next sign mark was passed - three quarters of the sky have been inspected», - informs IKI RAN.

Spectrum-roentgen-gamma upsc.

The following image shows selected X-ray sources of galactic and extragalactic origin, with a total of several hundred of them on a map of three quarters of the sky. Specialists note an increased concentration of sources in the central region and plane of the galaxy, as well as in the poles of the ecliptic.

It is expected that the next month the ART-XC Telescope will complete its first complete review of the celestial sphere.
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