How are cut or vandalized optical fibre repair

Repair fiber optics, if you think you just take the strands and solder them two by two ... you're right. But that is without counting on all the additional complexities, operations and preparations to be implemented. Back on the different steps to follow, helped by specialists in these procedures.

How to damage fiber optic cable?

This week, several "large" optical fibers and copper lines were cut in the Paris region. These are acts of vandalism, with the use of a grinder. Orange was the main consumer access provider affected with nearly 50,000 lines of its individual and professional customers impacted, but it was far from alone.

"Large fibers vandalized" in the Paris region: ISPs, hosts and services affected

Bouygues Telecom explains that it has "a few customers (ADSL only) affected" (those passing through the Orange network), when Altice / SFR and Free did not wish to answer our questions for the moment. Several hosts (Scaleway, Octopuce ...) and services (Winamax for example) have also more or less directly affected.

How long does it take to fix a fiber cut?

Overall, the networks continued to operate via alternative routes; Like what, redundancy is good. If the damage seems to target with regard to the fibers targeted and the importance of the impact, several stakeholders interviewed confirm that it could have been much worse. We will have the opportunity to come back to this shortly.

As soon as the problem was discovered, major work began to repair the damage and restore the connections. But, in practice, what are these operations and how do they take place?
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