HomeKit hack makes the Logitech Circle 2 wireless camera

HomeKit hack makes the Logitech Circle 2 wireless camera

HomeKit: a simple hack makes the Logitech Circle 2 wireless camera compatible.

If home automation is booming, attention should be paid to the protocols and platforms supported to simplify integration. And the thing is sometimes not simple, the oddities are frequent among manufacturers.

Home automation accessories manufacturers have understood this. Offering a product compatible with a known and recognized platform like Google Home or Apple Homekit is a very good selling point for customers. That being said, this is quite often accompanied by an increase in the price of the aircraft in question. And sometimes, the presence of this support is strange to say the least… This is the case in the Logitech Circle 2 camera range.

The Logitech Circle 2 Wireless can be Apple Homekit compatible.

If you have a wireless Logitech Circle 2 camera and would like to make it compatible with Apple Homekit, you’re in luck. All you need is a little electrical tape. For those who do not know, the Circle 2 camera is available in two models: a wired model and a wireless model, which works on battery. The wired model is compatible with Homekit but the wireless is not. And yet, it is indeed the same device. Why? How? It’s hard to understand.

Logitech circle 2 homekit secure video.

Still, thanks to a video published by the Youtuber Rey G, we discover that it is very easy to make this Circle 2 wireless camera compatible with Homekit. Just put a little scotch on the pins. This makes the camera connected to a wired mount and allows the software to work with Homekit. This “hack” was discovered after a response from Logitech customer service indicating that the Circle 2 wireless could become compatible with Homekit by placing it on the wired holder. But everyone does not have this famous support. This little hack with electric ribbon seems to do the job perfectly. That being said, you should know that the autonomy of the camera drastically decreases when connected to Homekit. You will certainly have to recharge it more often, but at least you can integrate it as it should in your Homekit home automation system.

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