Know Distance between Coronavirus Self Isolation Social Distance and Quarantine

Know Distance between Coronavirus Self Isolation, Social Distance and Quarantine

Know the Difference between Self-isolation, Docial distance and Quarantine, Self-isolation or home quarantine are being advised to patients with Corona virus

Self-isolation or home quarantine are being advised to patients with corona virus and those who have recovered from this infection. At the same time, the government is appealing to people to maintain social distance. Social distance means to separate oneself from people. This is necessary so that the virus can be prevented from spreading, but self-isolation, home quarantine and social distance are all three, which people need to know.

Let us tell you the difference between self-isolation, social disturbance and quarantine

What is self-isolation?

Self-isolation means separating oneself from the world or, say, healthy people. Patients infected with the corona virus are placed in self-isolation. Infected people are prohibited from going to work, school and public places so that the virus cannot spread through them.

What is home quarantine?

Home quarantine means to separate oneself from the family member. If you suspect to be infected with the corona virus or have a cold, then isolate yourself in a room. This will not spread the virus to anyone in your family. This period is 14 days.

When is the need?

Corona virus positive. Even after the infection is cured. People returned from the affected area. Those who have come in contact with infected people.

What is social distance?

Social distance means keeping distance from people. The government is appealing to stay away from crowded places like public places. Maintaining social distance is the best option to avoid the corona virus.

Important things if you are infected

 Necessary to stay in ventilated room. Refusal to go to public place. Make distance from close or other people. Use a separate bathroom . Stay away from other elders, pregnant woman and children in the house.  Wash hands frequently. Wash for at least 20 seconds . Keep towels, clothes and food items separate. Use a separate bathroom. Keep the room clean. Do not think negative.
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