Jack Ma Give One Billion to Develope Coronas Virus

human coronavirus nl63 treatment
human coronavirus nl63 treatment

Human Coronavirus nl63 Treatment !

Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba and China's richest man, has donated 14.4 million dollars (about one billion rupees) to develop the corona virus vaccine which has taken the form of epidemic in China. Jack Ma Foundation gave information on a social media post that Jack Ma has given financial assistance of $ 5.8 million to two government research institutes.

The foundation said that this money will be used to 'protect and cure' the corona virus. Let us know that earlier on Saturday, Alibaba had informed that $ 144 million is being given to buy medical supplies for Wuhan and Hubei provinces, which are worst affected by Karona. Apart from this, the company has also offered free computing power to the Scientific Research Organization for support in the corona vaccine and treatment search.

Corona Virus nl63 Transmission !

Alibaba is one of the Chinese technology companies, who have donated money to treat the Karona virus. Telecom equipment and smartphone maker Huawei, e-commerce company Tencent, search engine Baidu, Tittock's proprietary company BiteDance have also donated money. The US and China are working on a vaccine for Corona. So far more than 305 people have died due to corona virus in China. While more than 15,000 people are infected by it.
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