Hybrid option: Telekom offers LTE to all DSL customers and some of them free of charge

Hybrid option: Telekom offers LTE to all DSL customers and some of them free of charge
Hybrid option Telekom offers LTE to all DSL 

Deutsche Telekom is expanding its hybrid tariffs product range and now offers LTE to all DSL customers as an option with an additional 300 Mbit/s. Magentazuhause Hybrid was previously limited to DSL tariffs with a maximum of 100 Mbit/s and was primarily intended to cushion peak loads. For connections up to 16 Mbit/s, LTE is now available free of charge.

Hybrid LTE is the new option now available for all DSL customers with LTE reception, after which the fixed network Internet connection is extended by a mobile connection via LTE with 300 Mbit/s in the downlink. Deutsche Telekom is promoting even more speed and is thus saying goodbye to the original marketing of the hybrid tariffs introduced in 2014. At that time, LTE was only to be used to cushion load peaks in the DSL network, there was no mention of a permanently parallel use, as may be required when downloading.

550 Mbit/s with VDSL2 and LTE

This is changing with today’s changeover, as Deutsche Telekom is clearly marketing the LTE connection as a turbo and no longer as a relief for the existing line. In addition, Hybrid LTE is available for all DSL connections, even for the fastest tariff Magenta home XL with VDSL2 including super vectoring and up to 250 Mbit/s in the downlink, so that with the hybrid option now up to 550 Mbit/s are offered.

Free LTE for customers up to 16 Mbit/s

LTE in addition to the DSL connection costs 4.95 euros extra per month, but is offered free of charge for three months from the date of booking when booking within a promotional period until 30 September. From the 4th month, the regular fee of 4.95 euros applies.The minimum contract period is three months. The term is automatically extended by a further month if not terminated with a period of six working days at the respective term end.

For DSL customers with lower downlink speeds up to 16 Mbit/s, as offered in the smallest rates Magentazuhause XS and S, the LTE option can be booked permanently without any extra charge. However, the Hybrid LTE option is not available in certain rates, including the variants Magenta Home Start and Regio.

Buy or rent Speedport Pro

The only requirement for use is a router suitable for hybrid connections, which has a very high price with the Speedport Pro. Deutsche Telekom offers the router manufactured by Sagemcom for a one-off price of 389.82 euros, whereby it is cheaper in free trade, or in the rental model for 9.70 euros per month.

However, Deutsche Telekom sees the LTE option not only as a data turbo, but also as a backup in the event of a malfunction of the fixed network connection. For the latter, the option can also be booked as a special backup option for the fiber optic FTTH connections. In addition, Hybrid LTE can already be used if the router has already arrived at the customer, but the DSL connection has not yet been switched on. In addition to surfing, it is also possible to make calls via the hybrid connection. For the use of Magentatv, however, the landline connection must be active.

Due to various messages, Todayus asked Deutsche Telekom whether the hybrid option can actually be booked as a turbo or only as a backup option even for the largest DSL tariffs. As a spokesperson confirmed, the LTE option can be booked as a data turbo in all copper-based DSL tariffs as a turbo in addition to the speed of the fixed network connection, but the available speed depends on the performance of the respective mobile cell. The LTE option is a pure backup only for the fiber optic connections.

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