The Last of Us Part 2 and Ghost of Tsushima New release dates for PS4

Tsushima New release dates for PS4

Release Date Updates For The Last of Us Part II, Ghost of Tsushima

The movement of The load of Us part 2 had shocked many fans, now Sony has betrayed a new release appointment, nevertheless, faster than expected. Indeed, this one later release of the exclusive play PS4 entails Ghost of Tsushima.

The load of us part 2 - Announcement trailer

The hotly expected Action-Adventures The load of Us count to the new plays which appear in 2020 part 2 of developer Naughty Dog as well as Ghost of Tsushima of Sucker Punch Productions and Sony has announced for both titles new release appointments.

The load of Us part 2 - 19th of June, 2020
Ghost of Tsushima - 17th of July, 2020

The only recently postponed The load of Us part 2 appears on the 19th of June, 2020 and in this publication date will shake probably neither the Publisher nor the developers more. You can firmly assume from the fact that then the play appears.

However, the 19th of June would lie too near with the release of the samurai's adventure Ghost of Tsushima. Originally this should appear on the 26th of June, however, the publication appointment is shifted. Now Ghost of Tsushima appears on the 17th of July. It concerns only a small movement.

Now Sony is confident that both exclusive PS4 plays will be available by the called appointments. The developer teams would have had to adapt themselves on account of the propagation of the Coronavirus to the constantly changing situation, however, now more normality calls in on Sony worldwide again.

Both teams have worked hard on developing high-class experiences and we can hardly wait for your impressions if both plays appear in only few months. Finally I would like to thank the PlayStation community for her continuous support and patience.

Herms Hulst, Head of Worldwide studios.

With it can please her summer coming you about two real highlights. The load of Us part 2 is the successor of the excellent The load of Us from 2014. To her the protagonist Ellie who has become in the new play older and experienced in the survival fight plays. Still she is in an end time world of the full rogues and infected who strive for her life.

However, Ghost of Tsushima sends you in a trip in the past. To her Jin, a warrior plays in medieval Japan which leaves the way of the samurai to protect his people from the terrible attack of the Mongols. Present trailers point: It becomes a feast for the eyes for your PS4.

The load of Us 2 as well as Ghost of Tsushima will probably be the last bigger exclusive titles PS4 which appear before the release of the PS5. In the end of 2020 she comes to trade.

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