Contract manufacturer TSMC Research 2 NM AMD fills Huawei gaps

Contract manufacturer: TSMC Research 2 nm, AMD fills Huawei gaps
TSMC Research 2 NM Chip

TSMC forces according to media reports from Asia the research and development in the next but one manufacturing step which aims at the production of 2-nm chips. Meanwhile AMD should use the capacities free-become by the Huawei spell with the 5-nm production and wants to avoid thus mistake of the past.

AMD wants to avoid the same mistakes

Since problems big from AMDs for the start of Zen 2 was the Lieferbarkeit of many 7-nm products on which AMD gave to understand in the postway also officially which underestimates inquiry and too few Wafer with TSMC to have ordered.
We did have some shortfalls on chips when we ridge launched our highest performing Ryzens, and that what simply demand out stripping what we had expected and what we had planned for. That was not a TSMC issue At all.
 From it AMD has pulled apparently his apprenticeships and profits according to correspondent media reports now from the barrier on the part of the USA compared with the Huawei products which affect order manufacturer like TSMC. These accept supposedly since the 15th of May no more orders of Huawei and make the already booked capacities freely for other manufacturers. AMD should have accessed with 5 nm with suitable predilection. This could be used with a new GPU generation as well as CPU generation, presumably Zen 4.

TSMC forces F&E with 2 nm: New technology?

TSMC works meanwhile further on the coming manufacturing technologies. While the plan is certain for the 3-nm-manufacturing step already since some time, the succession with 2 nm moves more in the focus. Since with the start risk production next year with 3 nm and the serial production to one year later, the timetable must be laid for 2 nm long ago. Two additional exposure systems EUV should help in speeding up the research and development of the next but one process, report Asian media with which there might be bigger changes.

Since while TSMC places with 3 nm still on classical FinFETs and will introduce no new technology, goes so the rather sure then riskier way, Samsung already strives gate all around (GAA), or how the manufacturer calls it, multi-bridge channel FET (MBCFET), with 3 nm in. Therefore, a similar development is also expected with TSMC, although it will not be ready to go into mass production before 2023 anyway.

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