Programmatic print mailing - the power of two worlds

Programmatic print mailing - the power of two worlds
Display:-Automated, individualized, data-driven - an offline channel becomes a digital medium. Advertisers and recipients alike benefit from this, because relevant offers come at the right time.

Programmatic advertising definition.

A consumer opens her mailbox and picks up the mail. The third letter comes from a fashion brand - what does she want? Curious the consumer tears up the letter on her way to the house. It includes a 20% discount coupon for a summer coat and a small catalogue with information on other offers. Wait a minute, there was something! Right, she had already looked at this very coat online. She had visited the brand’s online shop through a newsletter in order to check whether this chic cut is available in more colours and what this looks like.
Behind this is a sophisticated machinery. Programmatic Print-Mailing is a new offer by Deutsche Post, through which advertisements are integrated into the digital initiation chain. In such a way that they appear as an option within a decision tree for marketing automation to take on a specific task.

For example, target consumers who have viewed and configured a product but have not purchased it. Or to activate customers who have not responded to online display advertisements or newsletters.
Programmatic Advertising no longer suffers from database-based and automated purchasing of advertising space via Real Time Bidding. It is also important to target customers along the customer journey and - trigger-based - to react quickly to their actions. Real dialogue, you know.

Programmatic Creative

This also works with regard to content: With Programmatic Creative, individual offset pieces of an advertisement are recombined according to the surfing behaviour of the user. If, for example, the recipient had looked at Bermuda shorts rather than a summer coat, she would have received an offer. The logic can be adjusted for different product groups - even according to what the content of the other advertising media of the campaign is. If only she had visited the shop without configuring an advertising medium, the dialog offer might have existed in an inspiring catalog.

However, this does not work without the specific address. The only thing that matters is that they are not overlooked in the course of the campaign. How does this work for, for example, unknown website visitors for whom there is no address? There is also a solution here: The unknown visitor can be assigned to a microcell via a cookie - data protection compliant - . In such a microcell, an average of 6.6 households are combined. In this case, the individualized print mailing is sent to the visitor and the other households of the microcell.

Programmatic advertising course.

This fulfils three important requirements for programmatic design: 

T yewarget groups are selected on the basis of data and campaigns are automatically produced and individually managed. The contents such as messages or offers can also be individualized on the basis of data. Last but not least, sending the print mailing can be triggered on the basis of rules or through the specific behaviour of the users (triggers) and coordinated with other channels.

Two birds with one flap

Advertisers thus beat two birds with one flap. On the one hand, they make the print mailing a sort of digital medium by linking it to marketing automation. Programmatic Print-Mailing thus benefits from all other achievements of digitization, such as artificial intelligence. Only the output is offline at the end, by placing a printed print mailing in the mailbox of the recipients. And this is useful at the end of the entire campaign because the conversion rate is significantly higher, as the CMC Dialogpost study shows, the Collaborative Marketing Club has carried out in cooperation with Deutsche Post.

In the end, there is one thing that counts above all else: 

Programmatic print mailings deliver the right offers at the right moment. Our consumer, who is interested in a summer coat, does not currently need Bermuda shorts. Sending her the same advertisement for the summer coat several months later, when the summer is over again, makes no sense. On the other hand, the provider could include other data in his Programmatic Print-Mailing Campaign, from the use of a recommendation engine that determines relevant recommendations to location or weather data.

If the forecast is good, the mailing with the summer coat is sent. If it is bad or if Germany is in a constant low, the fashion shop could offer a ., weather-resistant coat. The offer is therefore even more relevant.

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