Pablo Escobar brother claims billions of dollars from Apple

Pablo Escobar brother claims billions of dollars from Apple
iPhones and claims $2.6 billion.

The drug baron’s brother attacks Apple for the security flaws in his iPhones and claims $2.6 billion.

A salesman in an Apple Store assured him in 2018 that the iPhone X he was about to buy had no security flaws and was the safest on the market.

Despite this reassuring statement, Roberto Escobar, brother of drug baron Pablo Escobar, had to face the hacking of his personal information. He claims a hacker used a flaw in Facetime to get his address and send him threatening letters.

iPhone X face

Roberto Escobar was therefore forced to spend large sums to ensure the safety of his family. Believing to have been deceived, he attacked Apple for breach of contract and demanded financial compensation of some $2.6 billion.

At the same time, his company Escobar Inc. has just offered a refurbished and gold-plated iPhone 11 Pro for only $499, while the models cost more than $1,000, after having already tried to sell rebagged Samsung Galaxy Fold smartphones.

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