Who were the ancient scientific sages of India
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Sages of India |
The 10 invented sages of India are as follows:
1. Inventor of atomic theory:
Everyone knows about the atomic bomb today. Everyone knows how dangerous it is. The inventions of this bomb in modern times are- J. Robert Openheimer. Several scientists worked from 1939 to 1945 under the leadership of Robert and it was first tested on 16 July 1945.
Although John Dalton, the father of atomic theory and astra, is believed, Rishi Kanad, at the age of 2500 years, gave him the idea of atomic theory based on the sources written by Vedas. In Indian history, Rishi Kanad is considered the father of atomic science. Acharya Kanad said that matter has atoms of matter. Kanad lived in Prabhas Tirtha.
Renowned historian TN Kolebrook wrote that Acharya Kanad and other Indian scholars were famous in European science, compared to European scientists.
2. Rishi Bharadwaj:
Bharadwaj Rishi was discovered 2500 years before the Wright brothers. Although the principles of making aircraft already existed. The mention of Pushpaka Vimana is evidence of this, but sage Bharadwaj wrote a detailed scripture on it in 600 BC which is known as Vimana Shastra.
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Apart from passenger aircraft, fighter aircraft and space shuttle vehicles are also mentioned in Bharadwaj's aerology. He has also written about the planes flying from one planet to another, and also mentioned the technique of making the aircraft invisible.
3. Baudhayana:
Boudhayan is the Ancient mathematician of India and the author of the Shulb Sutra and the Shrutasutra. Before Pythagoras's theory, Boudhayana formulated the formulas of geometry, but today only the theories of Pythagoras and Euclid are taught in the world. Indeed, 2800 years (800 BCE), Boudhayan discovered the important laws of geometry, geometry. Geometry, geometry or trigonometry in India was called Shulva Shastra at that time.
On the basis of Shulava Shastra Yajnavadis of various sizes and types were made. By making two right-angled squares, the number that would come up, making the 'right-angled' equilateral squares of the area and converting that shape into a circle similar to its area, Boudhayan solved many such difficult questions.
4. Bhaskaracharya (born - 1114 AD, died - 1179 AD)
Was an eminent mathematician and astronomer of ancient India. The texts written by Bhaskaracharya have been translated into many foreign languages. The texts written by Bhaskaracharya have also shown the way of research to many foreign scholars. 500 years before Newton, Bhaskaracharya knew the law of gravitation and he also mentioned it in his second treatise 'Siddhanthiromani'.
In relation to the law of gravitation, he wrote, 'Earth draws the substance of its sky towards itself with power. For this reason the substance of the sky falls on the earth. 'This proves that there is a power of gravity in the earth. The book' Lilavati 'by Bhaskaracharya highlights the topics of mathematics and astronomy. In 1163 AD, he wrote a book called 'Karan Kutuhal'. It has been told in this book that solar eclipse occurs when the moon covers the Sun and when the Earth's shadow covers the Moon. This was the first written evidence while people were aware of gravity, lunar eclipse and solar eclipse.
5. Patanjali:
Patanjali, the creator of the Yogasutra, was in discussion in Kashi in the second century BCE. There are 3 major texts written by Patanjali - Yogasutra, commentary on Panini's Ashtadhyayi and texts on Ayurveda. Patanjali is called the psychologist and physician of India. Patanjali gave the first time to Yoga and linked it to medicine and psychology. Today people all over the world are benefiting from yoga.
Patanjali was a great physician. Patanjali was the distinguished teacher of alchemy - mica, vindas, dhatu yoga and iron science are his product. Patanjali was probably in the reign of Pushyamitra Sunga (195–142 BCE). Raja Bhoj has called him a doctor of the mind along with his body.
The All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) concluded its 5 years of research that Yogasadhana can be relieved of cancer. He said that cancer is prohibited by yoga.
6. Acharya Charak:
Many formulations of Ayurveda will be found in the Atharvaveda. Dhanvantari, Rachak, Chyavan and Sushruta gave the world a medical science based on trees and plants. Maharishi Charak, the Acharya of Ayurveda, is counted among the original promoters of Indian medicine.
Sage Charak wrote the important text of Ayurveda, Charaka Samhita, 300-200 BC. He is also considered a skin doctor. Acharya Charak did serious research in the subject of physiology, pregnancy, blood transfusion, medicine etc. and told the invaluable knowledge about the diagnosis and treatment of diseases like diabetes, tuberculosis, cardiovascular diseases.
Charaka and Sushruta wrote treatises on Ayurveda in 3 volumes after acquiring knowledge from the Atharvaveda. He described the way to diagnose and prevent all the diseases of the world, and in his treatise he described a lifestyle in which there is no disease and bereavement.
7. Maharishi Sushruta
Maharishi Sushruta is considered the inventor of surgery. Over 2600 years ago, he along with the health scientists of his time formulated the principles of complex surgery such as childbirth, cataract, prosthesis, stone treatment and plastic surgery.
Important information related to surgery is found in the book ‘Sushruta Samhita’ written by Maharishi Sushruta. The names of more than 125 surgical instruments including knives, needles, tongs, etc. are found in this book and about 300 types of surgeries are mentioned in this book.
8. Nagarjuna:
Nagarjuna did a lot of research work on chemistry and metallurgy. He wrote several books on chemistry in which 'Ras Ratnakar' and 'Rasendra Mangal' are very famous.
Along with being a chemist and metallurgist, he prepared medicines for many incurable diseases with is medical intelligence. His famous books in the field of medical science are 'Roomputtantra', 'Arogya Manjari', 'Yoga Saar' and 'Yogashtak'.
His experiments and research done by Nagarjuna especially on gold metal and mercury have been in discussion. He did a complete study on the mercury and revised it for 12 consecutive years. Nagarjuna knew the formula to make gold from mercury. In one of his books, he has written that there are a total of 18 rites of mercury. Whatever the experiments after Nagarjuna in the western countries, the basic basis was laid according to the principle of Nagarjuna.
There are different opinions about Nagarjuna's date of birth and birthplace. According to one opinion, he was born in the 2nd century and according to another opinion Nagarjuna was born in 931 in the fort named Daihak near Somnath in Gujarat. There was a Nagarjuna even in the Buddhist period.
9. Panini:
Panini wrote the world's first grammar. 500 BCE Panini determined the extent of pure language use. He gave the language the most systematic form and grammarized the Sanskrit language. His grammar is named Ashtadhyayi which has 8 chapters and about 4 Sahasra Sutras. In this important book of grammar, Panini has collected 4000 formulas of Vibhakti-dominated Sanskrit language in a very scientific and rational manner.
Ashtadhyayi is not just a grammar text. A complete picture of the then Indian society is found in it. The geography, social, economic, education and political life of that time, philosophical contemplation, food, food, living, etc. are mentioned in place. They were born in Shalatula, Punjab, near modern Peshawar Pakistan) It took place in Gandhara, then northwest India. Although even before Panini, scholars tried to tie Sanskrit language to rules, Panini's scripture became the most famous.
In the 19th century, a linguist from Europe Franz Bopp (14 September 1791– 23 October 1867) researched Panini's works. He found formulas to further modernize the modern language system in Panini's written texts and Sanskrit grammar. Modern philology was greatly helped by Panini's book. Panini's book has contributed to the development of all languages of the world.
10. Maharishi Agastya:
Maharishi Agastya was a Vedic sage. Certainly, electricity was invented by Thomas Edison, but Edison writes in one of his books that one night I slept while reading a Sanskrit sentence. That night I understood the meaning and mystery of that Sanskrit word in my dream which helped me.
Maharishi Agastya was the Rajguru of King Dasharatha. They are counted as seven weeks. Sage Agastya composed a book called Agastya Samhita.