Star Wars 9 on Disney Plus The Rise of Skywalkers starts next week

Star Wars 9 "on Disney +:" The Rise of Skywalkers "starts next week!

Star Wars 9 "on Disney +:" The Rise of Skywalkers "starts next week!

The Disney+ program does not contain any trace of "Star Wars 9". However, this will soon change, as the streaming service plans to release "The Rise of Skywalkers" in line with the "Star Wars Day". Networld gives away more.

Star Wars at Disney +: "The Rise of Skywalkers" is coming soon!

In May, Disney+ has planned a very special new publication! On May 4th, the so-called "Star Wars Day", "Star Wars 9", the conclusion of the Skywalker saga, will appear at the streaming service. Disney+ probably wanted to keep the release secret at first, but a bug in the streaming service forced Disney to confirm early. What’s happened is a web world.

"Star Wars 9" on Disney+: Starts the movie on Star Wars Day?

Since the start of Disney+, many Star Wars fans have been hoping that the streaming service will include Episode 9. So far, an early release seemed unlikely, however, the movie does not appear until April 30, 2020 on Blu-Ray and Disney himself announced a vague date for the streaming release with "Summer 2020".

Apparently a planned misdirection, because Disney+ planned a surprising release on May 4. However, the streaming service made a mistake, which revealed the early start of the film too soon. For example, on Disney+, the page of "The Rise of Skywalkers" could be accessed briefly and it was written that the film would be released on May 4, 2020.

A short time later, Disney+ seemed to recognize the error, but in the meantime, users around the world discovered the page with the date that was supposed to remain a secret. At Reddit, a German user also reported that "Star Wars 9" was announced on his profile for May 4. As the surprise had already been revealed, Disney+ officially confirmed the release of "Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalkers" on Star Wars Day a few hours later!

Star Wars Day: This is still planned at Disney+

Not only the release of "Star Wars 9" is planned at Disney+ for Star Wars Day. Instead, the streaming service pleases fans with some new content. The final episode of "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" will be aired on May 4th. In addition, "Disney Galerie: The Mandalorian" starts an 8-part doctoral series about the success series, the last episode of which will be published on May 1st.

With the documentary "Empire of Dreams" about the classic Star Wars trilogy and the first season of "Star Wars Resistance", you can’t really complain about a Star Wars defect. On this Star Wars Day, the power is definitely with you!

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