OpenShift 4.4 Red Hat expands container and cloud portfolio

OpenShift 4.4: Red Hat

Red hat openshift latest version.

With the new version Openshift 4.4, Red Hat not only updates existing but also extends the framework with new tools. The youngest members are Openshift Virtualisation and Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes.

The latter is tailored to cloud applications that are executed in containers, thus posing special management requirements. The software provides a central, simplified control point from which large Kubernetes clusters can be monitored and provided. Integrated are policy-driven IT governance and application lifecycle management.

Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes dominates local Openshift bare metal installations and those that provide large public cloud providers, as well as native clusters of Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, IBM Cloud and Microsoft Azure. Red Hat promises the transparency, governance and control that companies need to easily expand and manage container environments. Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes is currently available as Technology Preview.

Openshift Virtualization will also be part of the Openshift framework. It is intended to provide a modern platform for the development, deployment and management of applications consisting of virtual machines, containers and serverless components, combining the Cloud native and traditional workloads. The basis for this is the Kubevirt open-source project. Red Hat Openshift Virtualization is also available as Technology Preview and is expected to be released as a stable version later this year.

OpenShift 4.4: Red Hat Maintain existing components.

Additionally, Red Hat has updated its existing Enterprise Kubernetes platform with Openshift 4.4. It is based on Kubernetes 1.17 and now provides a developer-centric view of platform metrics. New features include the monitoring of application workloads, the monitoring of the integration of Red Hat Operators and the cost management for evaluating resources required for specific applications in the Hybrid Cloud.

Red Hat has also revised its 2019 Azure Red Hat Openshift on Openshift 4, which allows administrators on Azure to easily create clusters in self-service mode. The fully managed service includes patching, upgrades, disaster recovery as well as proactive 24 7 management and support from both Microsoft and Red Hat.

In the new release, you can now activate the cluster admin role, which allows you to execute privileged containers or install custom resource definitions (Crds). With the Clusterautoscaler and the Machine Autoscaler, the Admin can also automatically vary the size of the cluster. The tool now distinguishes three azure availability zones in the supported azure regions for distributing the cluster components.

In addition, Azure Red Hat Openshift now has additional Openshift 4 components. These include Kubernetes 1.16 based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux Coreos, Openshift Serverless and Openshift Service Mesh based on Istio, Jaeger and Kali.

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