Verizon One Search powered by Bing promises to be private

Verizon One Search powered by Bing promises to be private
Verizon One Search  Image

Verizon One Search!

Gone are the days when almost anyone who could set up a web server would offer their own search engine. These days, any custom engine is often operated by Google, Bing, DuckDagoo, or Yandex and Baidu in some countries. This is exactly what is happening with Verizon's unexpected OneSerch engine, which actually meets the results of Microsoft Bing. However, it is not interesting. Rather it is its promise to protect the privacy of users which probably will not raise some eyebrows.

On the surface, Verizon promises that OneSearch goes up and out of Call of Duty to protect user privacy beyond disabling tracking cookies and search history. For example, it promises to encrypt search terms and promises not to share personal data with advertisers. All still in the living room to serve relevant advertisements.

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Verizon states that by some exceptions, it has no tracking policy. For one, it actually tracks your location from your IP address but only to the city level. It only serves ads based on current search terms and does not remember them during searches. It also promises that search result links, which are already encrypted, will expire after one hour.

This is certainly a surprise announcement from the division charge of the likes of Verizon's media arm, Yahoo and AOL acquisitions. That department has had no success with Verizon's treasured takeover and this latest effort is not promising either. OneSearch is currently only available through a web browser for North American users, but the mobile application is promised to arrive later this month.

This rather captivating boils down to how much users will be able to trust Verizon. Even Yahoo's privacy and security lapses (due to which it probably does not use already owned search engine technology), Verizon has also been involved in some privacy-related scams of its own.
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