Scientists discovered stardust larger than the Sun in a meteorite

Sun in a meteorite Image
Sun Imagine 

Scientists discovered stardust larger than the Sun in a meteorite

What is a meteor!

Fifty years ago, in Australia, scientists discovered a meteorite that has been studied. The team has now found that the stardust inside the meteorite formed 5 to 7 billion years ago. Which makes it the oldest material found on earth. Scientist Philip Heck says that this material is the oldest by far and explains how stars form in our galaxy.

Meteor and Meteorite!

The material found inside the meteorite is called Presenter Grain-Minerals, and was formed before the sun was born. Heck states that the material is a solid sample of a star, noting that the material is "real Stardust". Bits of Stardust were trapped inside meteorites, where they remained unchanged for billions of years.

This makes them the time capsule before the solar system. Presenter grains are difficult to find. They are rare and only 5% of meteorites are found that have fallen on Earth. They are also very small.

Scientists say that the hundred largest grains can fit in this period at the end of a sentence. The meteorite dropped at Murchison, Victoria in 1969 and is known as the Murchison Meteorite. The presenting grain for the study was separated 30 years ago at the University of Chicago.

What is the difference between a meteor and a meteorite?

The process of that separation begins by crushing the meteorite into a powder that turns into a paste that smells like rotten peanut butter. The paste is dissolved with acid until only the presenter grains remain. Once the presenter grains are separated, the team can find out what kind of stars they came from and how old they were. They did this exposure using age data, essentially how long it took them to be exposed to cosmic rays. Some cosmic rays make contact with matter and create new elements; Now they come into contact with him in more elemental form. The tests showed that some of the gains were older than the Sun and Earth.
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