Experts named the most popular cars among Russians

Top 10 Most Popular Cars in Russia - Top Lists - All Car
Most popular cars in russia

Specialists of analytical agency «Autostat» have compiled a rating of popular new passenger cars in Russia. According to the results of the first half of 2020, Lada was in first place. The press service «Autostata» reports about this.

Top 10 Most Popular Cars in Russia - Top Lists - All Car

In six months, Russians purchased 126,600 Russian machines. The top three also included the Korean Kia and Hyundai - 88,900 and 66,800 cars, respectively.

The top five were the French Renault (51,700) and the Japanese Toyota (40,200).

It is noted that sales of all of these car brands have decreased compared to the first half of last year.

In all, at the end of six months, the market for new cars in Russia was reduced by 17%. Six hundred thousand cars were sold.

The Lada Granta remains the country’s most popular model. From January to June, 48,700 cars were purchased. This is 18.7% less than in the first half of 2019.

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