CPU-Z says hello to Matisse Refresh

CPU-Z went quietly to revision 1.92.2. And yet its changelog is interesting
Matisse Refresh, aka the 3600XT, 3800XT, 3900XT

CPU-Z went quietly to revision 1.92.2. And yet its changelog is interesting, which is not always the case! First, it marks the official arrival of the Matisse Refresh, aka the 3600XT, 3800XT, 3900XT, as well as the complete B550 chipset. Not only that, Hygon Cpus finally have some preliminary support. As a reminder, Hygon is the Chinese who makes copies of Ryzen and first generation Epycs, copies of a lower level technically as reported by Anandtech in a dedicated article. Dirty Dhyana!

Z490, W480 and B460 chipsets

The suite consists of the Z490, W480 and B460 chipsets, all related to the Comet Lake platform. Renoir Apus are part of the game, without the versions being differentiated. We can therefore think that very low consumption U, low consumption H/HS and Desktop are housed in the same brand. Finally, the Ryzen 3 3100 and 3300X are there. To conclude this release note, there is the anticipated support of Windows 10 for ARM. That’s all, but it has to be said, it’s still not bad. The big news is Matisse Refresh, which should logically be revealed during the day, from there to have tests, we will have to see what is!

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