Scientists have figured out how to determine the readiness of meat

Scientists have figured out how to determine the readiness of meat

Why lab-grown meat is bad.

Scientists have figured out how to determine the readiness of meat. The fact is that the color of the product does not reflect the degree of its readiness, and checking with a thermometer may not always be correct.

The work was carried out by Norwegian researchers under the supervision of a specialist from the Norwegian Food Institute. They’ve studied the way Europeans test chicken readiness.

In general, scientists have identified nine ways. The most popular is simply to cook chicken for a certain time. People also often rate readiness by the color of the meat, and there are those who follow the texture of the meat.

Lab-grown meat pros and cons.

After analysis, the researchers injected the chicken fillet with a mixture of bacteria and began to cook on the grill. It was cooked over a period of time to a certain temperature. After that, scientists estimated the number of bacteria that survived in the meat.

As it turned out, when the meat’s internal temperature reached 70 degrees Celsius, the number of bacteria dropped by four to five orders. However, other parts of the meat may not have warmed up to such a degree, and thus retain pathogens.

The most effective subjective way to determine readiness was called the type of internal meat structure. At 65-70 degrees, the fibrous structure was already visible. However, scientists still recommend that the thermometer be measured several times in different parts of the meat.

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