Microsoft introduced Rust WinRT Rust analyzer available to integrate Rust with IDE

Microsoft introduced Rust WinRT Rust-analyzer available to integrate Rust with IDE

Microsoft has published the Rust/Winrt toolkit

Microsoft has published the Rust/Winrt toolkit, which allows the use of Rust to develop applications based on the Winrt (Windows Runtime) architecture. The code associated with the project is published under the MIT license.

Rust/Winrt makes it possible, similar to C++/Winrt, to create applications using the regular Rust toolkit, allowing the call of any existing or future Winrt Apis using the code generated on the fly from the metadata describing the API. Such Winrt API calls resemble the connection of another Rust module. Rust/Winrt can also be useful in facilitating the porting of C++/Winrt applications from C++ to Rust.

In addition, the publication of the first alpha edition of the rust-analyzer project is a new compiler frontend optimized for use in integrated development environments. The project is the result of the work on splitting the full-time rustc compiler into modules, which made it possible to use already finished and tested components when creating Rust-analyzer. Rust-analyzer will extend support for the Rust language in the IDE through the built-in implementation of the LSP Programming Language Support Server (Language Server Protocol) and support for "lazy" and incremental compilation.

Winrt vs win32.

Rust-analyzer also supports the type capabilities of LSP servers related to language parsing, such as syntax highlighting, code autocompletion, typographical error analysis, transition detection, and link search. Unlike the existing RLS LSP server, Rust-analyzer is based on a fundamentally different architecture: RLS runs the compiler for the entire project and disassembles the JSON file with the results, and Rust-analyzer itself provides the compilation process, which analyses the code as changes are made and processes only currently opened files.
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