A little history of home fitness - from yoga to peloton

Sport releases serotonin and endorphine into our bodies. This makes it the best remedy for depressive disorders, sleep problems and many other physical and psychological problems. The two hormones help to relieve stress and regulate our mood.

Therefore, if you are constantly hanging out with family or friends during the Corona crisis, you are strongly recommended to have sufficient sports. It also helps our physical health. In times of Corona, it is a more recent development that more and more value is placed on a community feeling. This is the reason for us to reflect on how "home fitness" can be traced back in history.

How to start yoga at home for beginners.

The context is completely different, but the exercises themselves have changed little - yoga.

600 BC - 200 AD: Sushruta, an Indian medical doctor, is considered the first fitness guru in history. He advised his patients to walk, walk, swim and other sporting activities until signs of exhaustion occur. However, it is not entirely certain today when Sushruta might have lived. From the same period also comes yoga, which is initially regarded as a purely spiritual means of meditation. It is only later that yoga develops as an exercise, so the British find different schools and forms of yoga at the time of colonialism.

Exercise at home for women's.

550 B.C.: Milon von Kroton was something of an ancient Arnold Schwarzenegger. In his youth, he was said to have raised calves, later to be whole cows. What many do not know is that he was advised by none other than Pythagoras. This is, of course, also known for other things. Pythagoras is said to have given Milon advice on fitness and nutrition. So the mathematician who tortures students with his famous sentence today is also the first personal trainer in history.

200 B.C. - 300 A.D. Because while men could practice in public at the Marsfeld and practice sports, women were not allowed that freedom. Sports were often performed naked or semi-naked. Today, we know from mosaics that women in ancient Rome probably also did sports - but at home.

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1000 - 1500: In the Middle Ages, sport and play are matters of the nobility. Until the early modern age, recommendations are made for physical exercises by doctors, healers and "trainers". There is still no medium that can spread knowledge in bulk.
1796: The inventiveness of early industrialization also affects the fields of medicine and therapy from the outset. The gymnastic, which today appears to be an early form of a bicycle, was especially designed for the joints. It should exercise joints, muscles and extremities simultaneously and gently.

Free Trial Peloton Yoga Classes.

1861 - A Londoner named Gustav Ernst invents the "portable home gym". It is a mahogany wooden device to which straps and handles have been attached.

1890: Horse Action Saddle - For the rodeo, this invention is pretty much what a pedal bicycle is today for cycling. It promised its users health benefits as well as fun and sporting confirmation and all that without having to own a horse or leaving the house.

1922:  A Chicago entrepreneur named Wallace Rogerson recognizes the potential of the almost 30-year-old grammar technique. Of course it is not only suitable for music but also for fitness exercises: "Get Thin to Music" was probably a complete success for some decades. Until the 1940s, records with this title will be published.

1933 - 1945: In the Nazi era, sport as a means of exercising physical fitness is experiencing a strong recovery. Fitness was now regarded as the basis for the resistance of the people. Only from 1939 onwards does sport increasingly come to the fore as a domestic activity. Many gymnasiums are now being made available to the military, for example as a hospital, close to the front.

1982: In the United States, there have been fitness studios for several years, mainly for bodybuilding and for men. Women therefore exercise fitness at home. When the actress Jane Fonda releases a VHS titled "Jane Fonda’s Workout", it becomes the best-selling VHS ever with 17 million sales.

Peloton yoga blocks.

80er/90er: Jane Fonda’s Verkaufsschlager establishes home fitness as its own sales division. A few days later, in the United States, length regulation for advertisements is lifted. The 1980s and 1990s are now marked by long advertisements with home fitness equipment. VHS and TV workouts also remain part of television.

2005 - today: Youtube launches and allows everyone to reach a potentially large audience with relatively little effort. Fitness, yoga and sports Youtuber quickly discover the medium for themselves.

2013 - today: Both Freelectics and Peloton start this year. What is new about these approaches is that they are connecting us to a community for the first time. This not only promotes motivation, but also provides guidance and a community of like-minded people from whom advice and help can be obtained. A new device that may have been available since 2017 is Mirror. It is not yet available in Germany and is therefore part of our fitness future.
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