10 Easiest Ways to Save Your Life in Times of Trouble that you must know

Save Your Life

10 Easiest Ways to Save Your Life in Times of Trouble

Today in this post, we will tell you such ways to save your life, which is very simple, but there will be enough to make fun of your enemy, so let's know about them.

1. Walking and using the phone, these two things cannot be done simultaneously, so take a look and watch it, it can save both your phone and your life. Anyway, do not use the phone while walking.

2. You can save his life by hitting a dry wooden stick on a person who is struck by lightning. But touching that person can also cause electric shock.

3. If there is a fire in the oil vessel when the oil is too hot, then turn off the gas and cover the pot with another lid, so you can prevent that from happening.

4. If any sharp-edged metal enters the body, do not leave it until the doctor comes, if you take it out, your blood will be more damaged and you may even faint.

5. Most plane accidents occur 3 minutes after the plane flies and 8 minutes before landing. So use this time to be cautious and you should know the exit gate.

6. When there is a fire in the house, the cause of death is smoke and not fire. Because this smoke penetrates into our body and suffocates in such conditions, keep crawling in the ground and try to stop breathing for a long time.

7. If you ever come in the grip of drought, look for small drains and streams because rivers always flow downstream and you may find a big reservoir later.

8. If you get stuck in a drowning car, first open the seat belt to get out of it, and lower the window glass. If the window glass is not down, try to break it with a heavy object. Because the pressure of water makes it difficult to open the door.

9. If you feel that someone is following you, then raise your head and go slowly, dare a little, open the chain of your bag and try to attack the person.

10. If someone enters your house forcibly, go and face it in the kitchen because you will find the necessary weapons in the kitchen, which you know. This way you can protect yourself from that unknown person
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