Galaxy Z Flip Display can have two disappointing details

Galaxy Z Flip display disappointing details
Galaxy Z Flip display disappointing details

Galaxy z flip foldable phone and price!

The Samsung Z Flip, Samsung's first foldable phone that comes in clamshell form, has so far become a mixed bag. It is going to be much cheaper than the first Galaxy fold but it will still be beyond the reach of most consumers. It will use an ultra-thin glass that should be more durable than the plastic polyimide material on its predecessor but, it turns out, it still won't be able to address the two fortunately small grips that this new breed has Devices suffer.

Ultra-thin glass or UTG is only meant to solve problems with the durability of the previous Galaxy Fold screen. Glass, which is normally less resilient, is more resilient to scratches and sharp objects or minuscule particles. The Galaxy fold was notoriously broken due to slight force or ingestion.

Galaxy Z Flip Gsmarena!

However, UTG is not missing the crease, SamMobile confirms. The line visible on the folding is clearly still a problem not being able to solve any type of folding screen properly yet. Fortunately, Galaxy Fold users managed to block it from their mind's eye after a while, such as notches and punch-holes.

Unfortunately, this new type of screen can also be too new to support in-display or on-screen fingerprint scanners, meaning the Galaxy Z Flip, such as the Galaxy Fold, which does not have one. Looking at the entire broha over the decline of Qualcomm's ultrasonic fingerprint sensor, it may be the best. It can only be seen where Samsung will place the optical scanner on the foldable clamshell.

Galaxy Z Flip Specs!

It may be disappointing for those hoping for the best from the Galaxy Z Flip, but this is not surprising, with Samsung leaving behind a much lower price tag. It is trying to defeat the Motorola Razor with a punch and depending on how the phone looks and survives in real life, there can still be a final laugh.
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