
12 days of christmas

Christmas Story

Christmas is finally here and it has brought with it the joys of the holiday season. Christmas, which is one of the most pious days for Christians, is the religious and the cultural celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. Every year, it is celebrated on December 25. On this day people gather in large numbers with family and friends to commemorate the birth and also remember the sacrifices of Jesus Christ. Christmas season is the ideal time to spread the words of Jesus and celebrate the occasion with merriment and mirth.

Christmas  Vacation, How to Celebrate

white christmas

Christmas is one of the most popular festivals celebrated by Christians across the world. It is the festival which is celebrated worldwide in more than 160 countries of the world. It is basically the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, the man who is known as “The Son of God”. The name “Christmas” from the Mass of Christ. A mass service is conducted in which it is believed that Jesus has died for the people and he will come back to life. The service was known as “Christ-Mass” and was allowed to take place only after Sunset. So, people started calling it Christmas and started celebrating it in the evening or at midnight.

 Why Christmas is celebrated on the 25th December?

all i want for christmas

Christmas, for the first three centuries of Christianity's existence, was not celebrated on 25th December. In fact, there was no certain day so people celebrated it as per their personal beliefs. It was in 336 AD that the Christmas celebrations were first recorded on December 25 during the reign of Roman Emperor Constantine. After a few years, Pope Julius I declared that the birth of Jesus would finally be celebrated on December 25.

Top Christmas  Gifts

days till christmas

The tradition of exchanging gifts basically exists since ancient times. As per popular beliefs, gifts are exchanged to remind us of the presents given to Jesus by the wise men – Frankincense, Gold and Myrrh. Also, in modern times it is interpreted as a custom of showing gratitude and love to your loved ones. Also, this reminds people of serving humanity from time to time.

merry christmas Santa Claus get Started 

christmas carols

The legend of Santa Claus can be traced back to around 280 AD in Turkey. It is associated to a monk named St. Nicholas. The man whom we know as a happy jolly man dressed in red with a long beard was not always this way. There is a legend behind the existence of Santa Claus. There was a Saint named Nicholas who was well-known because of his piety and kind nature. It is said that whatever wealth Nicholas inherited he traveled along the countryside and donated it to the poor and sick. There are several stories depicting his helpful nature. One of them is the story of three sisters whom Nicholas prevented from going into prostitution by helping them arrange the money for the dowry. Even today all his legends are alive in the hearts of people and Saint Nicholas is still the most popular saint in Europe.

After Saint Nicholas served the people of Europe it is said that he made his inroad towards America. At the end of 18th century, Saint Nicholas arrived in America. He was called Sint Nikolas and Sinter Klass by local people because which finally the final name evolved as Santa Claus. Since that time “Santa Claus” started existing.
  1. The character of Santa Claus is based on Saint Nicholas, the early Church Bishop. He was born in the Patara village of Turkey in 270 A.D.
  2. Saint Nicholas was known to be generous toward the poor whom he used to offer gifts of money.
  3. The modern image of the Santa Claus as a jolly good person dressed in red has its origin in the 1823 poem titled "A visit from St. Nicholas" which is also known as "The Night before Christmas".
  4. It is believed that Santa Claus would bring exciting gifts for children during this festival.

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