How to increase your landing conversion 10 tips

How to increase your landing conversion: 10 tips

10 Tips for Increasing Your Landing Page Conversion Rates.

1. Gain confidence as soon as possible.

People have always been skeptical of advertising, and with the spread of spam and dubious sellers, they have become even less trust in what is written on the Internet. Landing text should instantly destroy their doubts. One way to achieve this is to display one or more trust bricks on the first screen. In the banner at the top of the page put the logo and company name. Inside or immediately below the banner, place one to three compelling product recommendations. Try also adding a subtitle that summarizes the areas of responsibility of the company or its mission.

2. Start collecting visitors email addresses.

There are a number of mechanisms that allow you to get the email addresses of people who go to the landing page but don’t buy anything. One of them is to offer a free product in exchange for an email address. Such text can be placed in a pop-up window (appears when a person visits a page) or in a pop-under window (appears when a person leaves a page without buying). Both of them will be hidden if the user has connected this type of window blocker. Another option is a floating window. It slides around the page, constantly at the top or side of the screen, and is included in the HTML code of the site, so blockers do not affect it.

3. Add more reviews.

Reviews increase confidence and reduce the skepticism of buyers, that is, they play the same role as research and official documents on the site. You can ask customers to give feedback not only in text but also in video format. Gather feedback and insert a video with them in the landing page. It is important that it does not play automatically: usually this leaves a negative impression.

4. Use bulleted lists.

Describe the key features and benefits of the product in a bulleted list. It should consist of short paragraphs that are easy to read. Report to the potential buyer that he will really get a lot for his money.

5. Come up with a catchy title.

The headline should be curious, give a powerful promise or somehow attract the attention of readers so that they remain on the page. For example, the title of a landing page that sells courses in professional real estate search makes a promise: “Go in search of real estate today and earn $ 100 thousand a year, building the greatest career that only a few insiders know about.”

6. Stick to conversational style.

Most corporate sites are unemotional and boring: they simply offer "information." But landing is a letter from one person to another. Write the text for it based on this setting. Even if your product is high-tech, and you sell it to specialists, they still remain people who will like human formulations.

7. Include emotional clue in the headline and lead.

An emphasis on logic may work, but addressing the emotions of a potential customer is much more effective, especially if you have correctly identified his attitude to the product or the problem that he solves. Another effective landing tactic is to point to a free offer in the header and lead. Example: the manufacturer’s landing page Kaydon shows an image of its catalog and a large heading, “Free Guide to Choosing Ceramic Bearings”.

8. Suggest a solution to the problem.

As soon as you catch a visitor with an emotional text or a free offer, show how your product can cope with its problem. For example: “Now there is a simpler and more effective solution for shaky restaurant tables that annoy customers: Table Shox, the smallest shock absorber in the world.” To maximize the conversion, convince potential customers that the action indicated in the landing will quickly get rid of the problem. That's why I prefer landing pages without navigation: they don’t have a menu with links to other pages that may distract from the purchase.

9. Make the text relevant.

The more text associated with current events, the better the response. This is especially important when selling financial and investment information, as well as products from areas where laws and regulations change frequently. Periodically update the landing page text to reflect current economic problems and demonstrate your awareness to buyers.

10. Emphasize money back guarantee.

If a person can place an order directly in the landing page, make sure that the money back guarantee is clearly indicated in it. This is a common practice and should be followed. If everything is in order with your product and the landing text is true, then no more than 1% of purchases will be returned.

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