LinuxFX 10.3 with WX Desktop Brazilian distribution becomes a Windows clone

LinuxFX 10.3 with WX Desktop Brazilian distribution becomes a Windows clone
LinuxFX 10.3 with WX Desktop Brazilian

The small Brazilian Linux distribution Linuxfx is based on Ubuntu and with its WX desktop, a customized Cinnamon, visually becomes Windows 10. The Ubuntu derivative therefore tries to make the changeover as easy as possible for users and reproduce Windows 10 in every detail.

As a WX desktop, Cinnamon becomes a Windows UI

Linuxfx is based on the Canonical operating system Ubuntu, but combines this basis with the more recent Linux kernel 5.6.15 and the Cinnamon desktop known from Linux Mint 20 ( Ulyana"), which is still available in version 4.4.8, should be updated to the current version 4.6.6.

However, the software packages are up to date, so Linuxfx 10.3 comes with the browsers Firefox 77.0.1 and a very current Chromium 83.0.4. Libreoffice 6.4.3 is available as an office suite.

Windows programs with the file name extensions exe and . msi is automatically run via the Windows-compatible runtime environment for POSIX-compatible Wine 5.0 operating systems and Steam is already pre-installed.

The current kernel offers support for the VPN technology Wireguard, the Microsoft exFAT file system, the integration of the kernel lockdown feature as well as new CPU and GPU products such as Navi, Ryzen 4000U/H ( Renoir") and Radeon Instinct MI100 ( Arcturus") with 8K Vega shader and 32 GB HBM2.

The most striking feature of the distribution is the far-reaching Windows 10 theme of the WX desktop, which makes Linuxfx shine in the guise of Windows 10.

In this context, the creators of Linuxfx also speak of Windowsfx 10. So far, however, the Brazilian Linux distribution seems to be too small for Microsoft to take legal action. Linuxfx has been using Windows themes copied 1:1 for years now without Microsoft bothering about it.

System x86 and ARM

The developers offer their free Windows clone on Linux basis for both the x86 and ARM architecture, resulting in two system images. The ARM version is still on version 10.1 and should be updated promptly.

The approximately 3.7 GB image of the x86 version Linuxfx 10.3 WX LTS (ISO) can be written to a USB storage medium using a corresponding tool such as Rufus, Unetbootin or Ventoy and tested as a live system without any risk.

Another beginner-friendly Linux distribution, but without Windows 10 design, is the current Ubuntu 20.04 LTS ( Focal Fossa"), while friends of rolling releases should have a look at Manjaro Linux 20 ( Lysia").

Further information about Linuxfx and the Windowsfx theme is available directly from the developers in the official Telegram group.

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