These genetically modified flowers glow in the dark

These genetically modified flowers glow in the dark

These genetically modified plants glow in the dark to aid research and even decorate the home.

A room full of bright green plants at night is not the ideal decor for many, but stranger ideas have been seen. This is what some researchers claim, now that they have managed to genetically modify plants to shine in the dark for a long time and without diminishing the life of the plant. And the results are not disappointing.

It is not the first or probably the last time that bright plants are created. But this time it is different from the previous ones, since the technique used varies. The basic principle is that the plant contains luciferin, a compound that allows to obtain light in bioluminescent organisms. The way to equip the plant with luciferin is variable.

These flowers that glow at night naturally.

In a study published in Nature a team of researchers has shown the technique they have used to make their plants shine. To do this they inserted into the DNA of tobacco plants four genes of a bioluminescent fungus called Neonothopanus nambi. These genes convert the plant’s caffeic acid into luciferin that emits energy in the form of light, then finally returns the caffeic acid in its initial state. Result? Tobacco plants that glow at night (yes, 'The Simpsons' predicted it already).

Through other methods that insert luciferin directly with nanoparticles in the plant, in this plant is generated within the plant. As a consequence, each plant should not be treated separately to make them shine, nor do they die of poisoning after a while. The researchers saw how the plants grew and as they did the luciferin moved from one place to another, being in the flowers where more luminescence was obtained. Plants shine both day and night.

Glow in the dark flowers without blacklight.

Shedding light on research (literally)
Precisely the fact that the method used is based on modifying genes allows researchers not to interfere so much in the growth of the plant and its overall functioning. As a result it is possible to better analyze the interior of the plant and how it reacts to certain situations. Because plants, however they may not feel, have systems to react to external stimuli like rain or the sound of a pollinating insect approaching.

  1. Kickstarter’s most controversial project promised bright plants: it ended up selling scented moss.

Literally, bright plants can shed light on flora research. But on the other hand, perhaps we can also have in the future phosphorescent plants at home as decoration, or as some predicted, street lamps in the city.

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