Google Search Acquires an Anxiety Self Assessment Tool

Google Search Acquires an Anxiety Self Assessment Tool
Google Search 

Google has partnered with The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)

If Google Search was at the time only a simple search engine, it is now much more complete. Offering a whole lot of very practical features on a daily basis. Here is a new one that should help in this difficult time.

The sense of anxiety is very common. It’s much more than you might think. And in this time of very delicate health crisis for everyone, it is easier than ever to be anxious. If this is the case, it is necessary to know if it is temporary or if the evil is deeper. The Covid-19 pandemic worries, of course, containment doesn’t help mental wellness, but Google wants to help.

Google offers a self-assessment tool for anxiety

The American giant has just announced the availability of a new tool for self-assessment of anxiety directly in the research results. This tool consists of asking a number of clinically validated questions. The user answers these questions and the algorithm tells him whether or not he suffers from any form of anxiety. The system does not offer treatment, of course, but at least it has the merit of allowing users to better understand how they feel and to seek professional help if necessary.

directly integrated into research results

According to the Google release, “anxiety can lead to a wide variety of physical and emotional symptoms, and it can take years, decades between the first symptoms and the implementation of appropriate treatment. By providing access to information from knowledgeable professionals and resources and tools to learn more about anxiety, we hope to give users the opportunity to take action and get help.” This self-assessment tool is currently displayed every time an American internet user searches for anxiety via Google. No one knows if the tool will arrive in France. The most curious can go directly to the questionnaire page.

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